Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Slow going

I demonstrated Connotea to the News and Views team today, remembered the biscuits. They weren't too impressed, their problem was not so much with Connotea itself but how it would help them. They did not think much of the open-source aspects or the free tagging. (I agree that structured tagging would be more useful, and have discussed this with Timo Hannay, Connotea's creator, before it went live, but he has his reasons I am sure.) The News and Views team (or anyone) could set up their own usergroup and use their own strict menu of tags, but they weren't too keen on this. Oh well, I tried. Maybe they'll begin playing around with it and will find uses for it, as I did (I always liked it for the simple reason that you can save bookmarks on a browswer and not be computer-dependent, which is great when you are working from the office and from home, but I've found plenty of other uses since). Cold Granite is slow going, partly becuase I get so busy at work, partly because I'm now subscribing via rss to a lot of blogs which it is nice to read when I get home (can't in all honesty do this at work -- even though about half of them are work-related, even those aren't strictly "core job"), partly becuase the Times came out with yet another mammoth su doku supplement this Saturday, damn them, and partly becuase Cathy is ill at the moment with some awful 'flu strain. Cold Granite continues to be standard police procedural, but I am bearing with it, as it is readable if a bit unnecessarily gruesome when it comes to descriptions of dead bodies, autopsies etc.